Allies of Evolution

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Allies of Evolution
Thomas Steininger und Barbara von Meibom im Gespräch
Diese Woche ist Barbara von Meibom Gast in der internationalen, englischsprachigen Ausgabe von Radio evolve: History does not happen on its own. It never did. It was always created-created by people who cared. Barbara von Meibom, founder of the Berlin-based Communio-Institute for the Art of Leadership, joins Radio evolve to explore how we can be allies of evolution and create pathways for the future to unfold. Barbara is the cohost of the Integral European Conference, a gathering of hundreds of integral visionaries, activists, and thinkers that will take place in Hungary on May 22nd-27th at Lake Balaton. Can such gatherings make a difference? What is the significance for integrally minded people to literally come together to find new answers in this very special time that we are living in? How can Europe, in particular, find a new positive role in our evolving global culture?

Thomas Steininger speaks with Barbara von Meibom about how integral thinking and an integral “being together” can create answers that allow us to be allies of the future.