Embodying Higher Consciousness

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Unser Gast in der globalen Ausgabe von Radio evolve ist Stephen Busby. 
Stephen Busby works internationally as a visionary leader whose aim is to facilitate new forms of cultural emergence. Living in the Findhorn Community in Scotland, he works with individuals and organizations in Europe, Africa, Asia, and North America. Stephen has developed a powerful transformative approach called Embodying Higher Consciousness. 
But what does it mean to embody higher consciousness? This question is the driver for the conversation between Stephen and Radio evolve‘s host, Thomas Steininger. It’s not about theory. Stephen literally takes us on a consciousness journey in this dialogue. With his subtle skills, Stephen opens the dialogical field to dimensions of awareness and discrimination that are usually imperceivible to the everyday mind.
Join Thomas Steininger and this week’s guest, Stephen Busby, on a journey into embodying higher consciousness.