In Memoriam: Terry Patten (1951-2021)

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Thomas Steininger in conversation with Diane Musho Hamilton

Terry Patten, the co-author of Integral Life Practice and author of A New Republic of the Heart, died on October 30 after a seven-month journey with a rare and aggressive lung cancer.

Terry died as he lived: with open arms and open heart, offering his own passing as something that we all can learn from so that we can actually face the death of species, ecosystems, and perhaps complex life on this planet.

He said that this life threatening time was also “life brightening,” so infused with love, beauty, and recognition of the preciousness of every living moment. Terry was a true spiritual warrior.

How to honor the life and death of someone whose big heart and curious mind opened worlds for so many?

In this conversation with one of Terry’s dear friends, Diane Musho Hamilton, Thomas Steininger shares the impact of Terry’s life on his own and joins with Diane in exploring Terry’s remarkable gifts and presence. It’s both existentially gripping and inspiring.