Sensing the Social Body

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Ein Interview mit Otto Scharmer und Arawana Hayashi


Diese Woche senden wir wieder unsere globale und englischsprachige Ausgabe von Radio evolve:
Otto Scharmer and Arawana Hayashi make a powerful and unusual team. Each of them works with sensing and presencing the field that holds us. Otto’s pioneering research with Theory U and the Presencing Institute has opened new horizons of human creativity. Awarana is a dance artist and meditation teacher. Together they have developed a new art form, which they call Social Presencing Theatre, a method to develop a collective perception for the social field and to build the capacity to learn how to ongoingly develop such fields. We interviewed Otto Scharmer and Arawana Hayashi together for the last issue of our German magazine evolve, which proved to be a powerful example of creating a social field.
This week on Radio evolve, Thomas Steininger shares with us this remarkable conversation with Otto Scharmer and Arawana Hayashi that in itself is a fascinating investigation into the field of social mindfulness.