The Power of Subtle Activism

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Thomas Steininger in conversation with David Nicol

During one full rotation of the Earth, from the 5th to the 6th of December 2020, hundreds of people will gather together at home, in houses of worship, community centers, and sacred spaces through the global connective power of the internet to bear witness to Earth, our Mother and Home to all of us.

This collective spiritual practice, called One World Bearing Witness, will invite many people around globe into a diverse and interconnected set of practices, such as meditation, ritual, song, and prayer. We understand this ritual as a form subtle activism, a term coined by David Nicol, the author of Subtle Activism, who sees rituals like this as a new form of a global social activism.

This week on Radio evolve, David Nicol will talk with Thomas Steininger about the significance of this form of activism, how it evokes a new consciousness, a new worldwide brother- and sisterhood that impowers us to change the world from the inside out.