Moral Imaginations

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Thomas Steininger in Dialogue with Phoebe Tickell

We are limited to perceiving the world with the senses we have available to us. But we have stopped perceiving the full spectrum of who we are, what a good human life is made up of, and the magic and possibility of a human life and the world that surrounds us.

Often we leave out core parts of what it means to be human: our values, morals, meaning and virtue that shape the way we perceive and envision our world and our future.

Moral Imaginations is a practice that the renegade scientist, systems thinker, and social entrepreneur Phoebe Tickell has developed to start to re-inhabit our moral imagination.

Are you curious?

Find a quiet space and take a moment to relax. Watch this short video and, immediately after the video, take a few minutes to journal about the questions that arise in you:

This week on Radio evolve, Dr. Thomas Steininger talks with Phoebe Tickell about moral imagination.