What does it mean to live a good life?

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Diese Woche ist Roger Walsh Gast in unserer globalen und englischsprachigen Ausgabe von Radio evolve:

What is a good life? It is a simple question, but of course it isn’t really. The lives that we live rest on the many answers that we give to this question. Roger Walsh is someone who, in pursuing deep questions about the good life, has lived an outstanding life. Born in Australia, he is professor of Psychiatry, Philosophy, and Anthropology at the University of California. Walsh is widely respected for his views on altered states of consciousness in relation to religious experience. He is was one of the pioneers of transpersonal psychology and integral thinking. In his many books about essential spirituality and the world’s great Wisdom traditions, there is always a thread that shines through. That thread is the question, as he once put it, „What does it mean to live wisely and well, and what does it take?“ The answer to that question has a particular urgency today. We live in a troubled world. There is a new need for spiritual depth, but also a need to understand the psychological, the political and the environmental dimension of our lives in order to live a life for the good.

This week on Radio evolve, Thomas Steininger talks with Roger Walsh, a pioneer for a new culture of consciousness, on what it means to live a good life.